Friday, February 18, 2011

Kindred Spirit Farm 2011 Fiber CSA

We're offering a Fiber CSA!  "What's that?"  Community Supported Agriculture (hence CSA) brings farmers and customers together in season-long relationship.  Customers by "shares" in the CSA and receive weekly deliveries of the farm's harvest. CSA's are increasingly popular because they provide some financial stability to family farms and they connect customers with local foods.  Around here the most popular form of CSA's  are vegetable CSA's.  They usually operate from May to October. But there are also fruit and berry, meat, and winter garden CSA's.

We ran a small produce CSA on our first farm. While it was really labor intensive, we enjoyed the relationships we made with our customers.  It was so satisfying to share our harvest and our farm with individuals and families. One of the things our customers enjoyed most was interacting with our animals, whether is was the horses, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, dogs, or cats. Getting out of the city and stepping onto a farm each week provided respite and relaxation for many of our customers.

My husband and children made it very clear that vegetable gardening is not their idea of fun.  They put their foot down and said "No more CSA's."  But since then, we've  moved toward a focus on raising fiber animals and producing high quality fibers. This year we've decided to once again operate a CSA.  Only this time we are offering a fiber CSA.

Fiber CSA's are very new and there aren't many of them around.  Our fiber CSA provides a delivery of either yarn or fibers for spinning every other month for a year, beginning in April 2011.  You can pick up your fiber at our farm, at the Lanesboro Farmer's Market, or we'll mail it to you. Customers can decide if they want a half share, full share, our double share. Each share includes a certificate of membership, regular farm updates, information on our animals, the chance to name one of this year's lambs, a spinning lesson, and invitations to farm events like shearing, lambing, dyeing days.

Its perfect for fiber lovers who want to buy domestic and one of a kind products. Buying a share saves you 20% -30% off  buying individual skeins or fiber by the pound.  It helps support the preservation of endangered breeds and a small family farm.  CSA's connect people to the land, animals, and small-scale agriculture.  They have the potential to revitalize depressed rural economies.

2011 Fiber CSA memberships are now available.  We want to share our farm with you.  Get all the details on our website  Remember, CSA memberships make great gifts.

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